Anti-inflammatory Avocado Chocolate Mousse
The holidays are here and who doesn’t want to indulge is something sweet and decadent? We all do! But if you’re battling an autoimmune disease or other chronic illness, it’s important to stay away from common triggers such as gluten and dairy, both of which are inflammatory and contraindicated for someone with an autoimmune disease. This year, I tried a chocolate mousse recipe that has two of the top anti-inflammatory foods, one of which you might have guessed (cacao powder) and the other one you might have not (avocados)! (Of course, it doesn’t contain gluten or dairy either.)
Cacao powder is rich in flavanols, a type of flavonoid (compounds that are naturally found in fruits and vegetables), that have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
And yep, avocados are hidden in this delicious treat and also contain flavonoids, so you’re getting a double punch of anti-inflammatory goodness with this treat! I know that you might be scratching your head thinking that it might not taste good, but the good thing is that you can’t taste them at all! The trick to not tasting the avocados to to find avocados that are ripe, yet firm, so they’re just a little bit soft. When you cut them, they should be green even down near the skin.
Here’s my recipe:
– The flesh of two ripe, but firm avocados (seeds removed)
– 4 tablespoons of cacao powder
– 1/2 cup of hemp milk (0r other plant based milk)
– 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
– 3 tablespoons of raw honey
Blend it all together and voila! Feel free to add fruit toppings and you can also add some seeds (I would recommend hemp or flax for added anti-inflammatory benefits.)
It was delicious and my kids LOVED it!
Could you taste the avocados? Let me know in the comments. Come back here after you try it and let me know how you enjoyed it.
If you liked this recipe, please share it and tag me @cleanbodyliving on Instagram after you make it.